School Uniform

We believe that school uniform helps us to create a sense of belonging and a calm working atmosphere. It promotes an image that shows our school community off to advantage when assembled together or when away from school on educational visits.

We have a dress code of purple fleeces/cardigans/sweatshirts with the Billesley School logo; conventional white shirts or blouses worn with a white polo shirt with the Billesley logo worn without a tie; black trousers or black skirts and black shoes.

Children should have hats and cover for their arms in summer as protection against the sun. We also have available popular Billesley fleeces which are a waterproof coat with a foldaway hood which can be reversed.

A full range of school uniforms can be purchased from the school and Clive Marks (Kings Heath). Book bags with the school logo are available from the school office.

Patterned t-shirts, Bermuda shorts or cycle shorts and tracksuits are not permitted. Please make sure children wear suitable plain footwear without high heels.

It is very important to ensure all clothing is well labelled at all times - especially new clothing or where the names are wearing off older items.

School uniform is available to buy from the reception office daily between 9.00 and 9.30 am and 3.00 and 3.30 pm.

Parents can send a completed form along with the correct money in an envelope with their child to request the uniform.

Dress for Physical Education

All children must have a complete change of clothing for PE. This should consist of:

  • Black shorts
  • White T-shirt (with or without the school badge)
  • Black plimsolls for inside games. Black trainers for outside games.
  • Tracksuits or sweatshirts may be worn outside in cold weather

This dress code is enforced to help stop the pressure on pupils to wear (and on parents to provide) the latest expensive fashion sportswear. In this instance, a PE uniform is considered a great 'status leveller'. Therefore no exceptions will be made except fo cultural/religious reasons.

For safety reasons, it is imperative that the indoor dress code is followed for gymnastics lessons. Under no circumstances should children wear tracksuit trousers, tights or socked feet, as this can be dangerous. Barefoot work is encouraged indoors in dance and gymnastics. This enables feet to become stronger and allows more sensitive footwork to be developed.

If your child is swimming then a swimming costume of conventional design together with a towel and waterproof carrier is required.

PE Bags are also available from the school office.

Second-Hand Uniforms

To ensure that all parents and carers are able to provide the required uniform second-hand uniforms will be made available by the school. As a school, we ensure second-hand uniform is available to purchase through:

  • The school office throughout the year; please ask at the office
  • End of term all second-hand uniform is available after school

Contact Us

Billesley Primary School
Trittiford Road
B13 0ES

Enquiries to Kevin Smyth This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

TEL: 0121 675 2800

Principal: Karl Rogerson