We aim to provide a Physical Education curriculum that is accessible to every child. All our lessons strive to create an enjoyment of exercise, an experience of a wide variety of sports, and a knowledge and understanding of the importance of being physically active.
When our children arrive in Early Years PE lessons, they immediately start to develop the three major fundamental skills of Stability (balance, climbing, rolling), Locomotor (running, hopping, jumping, skipping) and Ball Manipulation (catching, overarm/underarm throwing, hitting a target).
In KS1 and KS2, the curriculum includes all of the following topics within an academic year: Invasion, Netwall, and Striking and Fielding sports, Gymnastics, Dance, Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA), Health Related Fitness (HRF), Multi Sports (KS1), Swimming (selected year groups). Progressions are applied across the key stages and year groups to develop and improve individual skills, tactical understanding, knowledge and understanding of a warm-up and cool down, and to establish a broad and relevant vocabulary.
PE also incorporates a concept-based approach in lessons. These concepts are an important component of our children's lessons highlighting qualities that they need to develop not only in PE but in life. Each concept is taught for a half-term and they are based on the 6 core values of respect, teamwork, honesty, passion, self-belief and determination. These values are discussed, and the relevance and importance of these qualities to become better young people is emphasised.
Extra-curricular activities are prioritised at Billesley, and the importance of creating as many opportunities for our children to experience different situations related to physical exercise, health and wellbeing as possible. These may come in the form of a sports competition or festival, a selection of after-school clubs, and specialised coaches coming in to deliver sessions or trips to sporting events.
We want children to leave Billesley with the correct fundamental skills to be competent sports people, to have an extensive knowledge of ways to exercise, and to understand the importance of being fit and healthy. We want our children to have a high level of 'physical literacy' that will stay with them throughout their life.