At Billesley Primary School, we hold a firm belief that all pupils are Mathematicians and all pupils are encouraged to believe that, by working hard at Maths, they will succeed. 

We follow a concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) approach to teaching Mathematics in so children acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. A high focus is given to broadening pupils’ verbal reasoning through developing their subject specific vocabulary and providing opportunities for pupils to talk about Maths, too. This journey begins in the Early Years setting, as pupils set off on their quest to master the concepts, knowledge and procedures they experience and begin establishing solid mathematical foundations. 


During their time in Early Years, the teaching of maths is delivered through family groups. This is then followed by child- initiated learning opportunities and continually assessed through ongoing observations and learning conversations. We have recently invested in resources to support the teaching of maths in EYFS, including Numicon. Maths opportunities are practical, physical and hands on in order to promote physical development.  Pupils have access to a large, indoor and outdoor maths space in which they can immerse themselves in a variety of engaging activities. 

Y1 - Y6

As children enter Year 1, pupils begin to follow the National Curriculum. This is the beginning of their journey into Number, Measures, Geometry and Statistics; a journey which they will remain on all the way through to Year 6. 

In years 1-6, lessons often start with retrieval practice to help maintain factual and procedural fluency, followed by a sharp burst of timetable rehearsal. 

Pupils then begin learning through the CPA approach (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) which introduces concepts gradually and in a way allows them to make links between  concepts. 

First with objects (concrete), then transferred to pictorial representations (pictorial) and only then on to written methods (abstract). Maths is taught daily and children are given the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and apply them independently. Their work is assessed every day and children are given steps to help address any gaps or provide further challenge.

Children are assessed at the end of each term, using a broad range of assessment tools, including standardised tests, end of unit quizzes, daily marking of maths books and ongoing teacher assessment. These tools allow teachers to effectively monitor progress, target gaps in children’s understanding and provide a tailored approach to their daily practice.

Our aim at Billesley Primary School is for all children to have an equitable chance of success. It is our commitment to inspire a passion and self- belief in mathematics; create opportunities for pupils to acquire language, skills and long- term knowledge in relevant and challenging contexts; and for pupils to achieve the very highest of academic standards.

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Billesley Primary School
Trittiford Road
B13 0ES
0121 675 2800